All Vice-Chancellor List

Prof. S M Abdur Razzak, PhD

Vice-Chancellor 28th Oct, 24 to Current

Former Vice-Chancellors of RUET

Dr. Engr. Md. Jahangir Alam

Vice-Chancellor 20th Aug, 23 to 31st Aug, 24

Dr. Md. Sazzad Hossain

Vice-Chancellor (Additional-Charge) 03rd Aug, 22 to 27th May, 23

Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam Sheikh

Vice-Chancellor 30th Jul, 18 to 30th Jul, 22

Dr. Mohd. Rafiqul Alam Beg

Vice-Chancellor 28th May, 14 to 28th May, 18

Dr. Md. Mortuza Ali

Vice-Chancellor 06th Mar, 13 to 28th May, 14

Prof. Dr. Sirajul Karim Choudhury

Vice-Chancellor 27th Sep, 09 to 05th Mar, 13

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fazlul Bari

Vice-Chancellor 07th Sep, 08 to 27th Sep, 09

Prof. Dr. A.F.M. Anwarul Haque

Vice-Chancellor 09th May, 04 to 06th Sep, 08

Prof. Dr. Md. Keramat Ali Molla

Vice-Chancellor 01st Sep, 03 to 08th May, 04

Former Directors of BIT, Rajshahi (1st July 1986 – 31th Aug 2003)

Prof. Dr. Md. Keramat Ali Molla

Director 30th Apr, 01 to 31st Aug, 03

Prof. G.M. Habibullah

Director 12th Jul, 98 to 29th Apr, 01

Prof. A.K.M. Rezaul Karim

Director 18th Jun, 97 to 09th Jul, 97

Prof. G.M. Habibullah

Director 04th Jul, 96 to 17th Jun, 97

Prof. A.M. Rezaul Karim Talukder

Director 04th Sep, 93 to 03rd Jul, 96

Prof. Dr. Md. Matlab Ali Khan

Director 21st Jan, 92 to 03rd Sep, 93

Prof. Dr. KM Waliuzzaman

Director 13th Mar, 89 to 24th Jul, 91

Prof. G.M. Habibullah

Director 05th Mar, 87 to 12th Mar, 89

Prof. Dr. KM Waliuzzaman

Director 01st Jul, 86 to 04th Mar, 87

Former Principals of Engineering College, Rajshahi (17 Aug 1964 - 30th June 1986)

Prof. Dr. KM Waliuzzaman

Principal 01st Mar, 83 to 30th Jun, 86

Prof. G.M. Habibullah

Principal 18th Dec, 81 to 28th Feb, 83

Prof. Dr. Kazi Harun-Or-Rashid

Principal 06th Feb, 80 to 18th Dec, 81

Prof. A.H.M. Haider Azam

Principal 07th Jul, 78 to 06th Feb, 80

Prof. Dr. KM Waliuzzaman

Principal 09th Mar, 77 to 06th Jul, 78

Prof. Md. Rais Uddin Ahmed

Principal 11th Mar, 73 to 08th Mar, 77

Prof. Abul Kalam Azad

Principal 13th Nov, 72 to 10th Mar, 73

Prof. Dr. Wahid Uddin Ahmed

Principal 24th Sep, 71 to 12th Nov, 72

Prof. Md. Rais Uddin Ahmed

Principal 02nd Aug, 70 to 20th Sep, 71

Prof. Md. Kabir Uddin

Principal 01st Mar, 68 to 01st Aug, 70

Prof. Dr. Kazi Harun-Or-Rashid

Principal 01st Dec, 67 to 01st Mar, 68

Prof. Abul Mohsin Ahmed

Principal 17th Aug, 64 to 01st Dec, 67